Sunday, October 7, 2012

Delectable Treats

The Creative Whack Pack

The Explorer:

1) See! Hear! Taste! Feel! Smell! I will listen in my environment  and record all that I hear children saying. What motivates them? What moves them? Act on it!

2) Find a Pattern. I can introduce the changing season as a pattern to use in Art for my project with Simon and the rest of The Maples.

3) Expect The Unexpected. Simon might change his mind or become frustrated with the process.

4) Use A Random Idea. What way can we use a mirror in our class and connect it to art?

The Artist:

1) Reverse Your Viewpoint. I would love to see how Simon sees his art. What pictures come up in his mind? What is his vision?

2) Make a Comparison. My project is all about discovery. Cause and effect. Seeing the benefits of a child becoming self aware. Like when a child first learns to walk.

3) Imagine How Others Would Do It. Others might add video. and self discovery. What I had learned from observing Simon and documenting his self discovery.

4) Change Its Name. I could rename it Open Ended Thinking Through The Arts.

The Judge:

1) Focus On The Real Truth. My focus should be on Simon and the other children’s development in my class without having to connect it to my college blog.

2) Ask A Fool. A fool might say, “If the child were the teacher and the teacher the student what would you learn from that child?” I would learn/remember the endless possibilities that is childhood. Without fear I would embrace my creativity.

3) Slay A Sacred Cow. I wouldn't have to “slay” any animal. My school has endless resources. The rules a policies today outweigh what was once everyday procedures when I first started. Now, we can do anything.

4) Check Your Timing. My timing is right on time for this kind of documentation. I will follow this group up to the four year old class. We have a ways to go before we leave each other. 

The Warrior:

1) Put A Lion In Your Heart. Pass success has made me believe I can do this with great ease and understanding.

2) Be Dissatisfied. The amount of time I have to do this is disappointing to me. I want to be done by Dec. I am disappointed in myself for holding off college this long. I am rushed to do it and do it well. Self Goal.

3) Get Rid Of Excuses. If I could get rid of three excuses they would be:
A) I was unable to get the Power point going. B) I am missing files. And, C) I lost audio.

4) Get Support. I would ask, plan visits, set up meet and greets. I would follow up with calls and/or emails.

The Four C Model
I understood The Four C Model pretty well. I just didn't think that long reading was necessary to get the point across. It was too long and the font was very small. At first it came off as confusing. I didn't understand the Cs. Mini or otherwise till later in the reading. I could sum up the reading in this one paragraph. Here it is: Everyone is born with some interest in creativity. In this paragraph we will refer to the four levels of creativity as such:  Beginners we will call mini c. Local talent will be called little c. Some training in the field? Let’s call them Pro c and if you make it big, well you are a  Big C. Everyone is born a mini c. It’s up to us all if we decide to stay at the beginners level or reach on up to the Pro Creative level. Not everyone will make it to the Big Creative level. This is the dream of a lifetime. Think of New York City. If You can make it there, you've arrived!

I did like the part on Helen Keller. I had no idea! That section of the reading was important to understanding the Pro creative and Big creative levels. In the end I saw Helen as Big.