Monday, November 12, 2012

My Resilience

I couldn't view the whole video by Angela Duckworth. It broke up on my 4 minutes in. Even though the video was very short, I did like what she had to say. I liked the readings very much. One concept I liked, and I liked them all, was the idea that post traumatic stress could cause people to experience failure. In my own life I had experienced a feeling of failure. Years ago my husband left me nine days after my second daughter was born. He remarried less than two years later. I didn't think he would move on that fast and replace me which made me feel very depressed. It took many years for me to recover from that feeling but once I did I felt I was more resilient because of the divorce. My daughters and I had so much fun when I got back on my feet. We traveled, we danced we lived life to the fullest! I can relate to JK Rowling. It was almost as if getting a divorce, falling on my face, this close to being homeless really helped me become a better mom and a better woman all around.

Some of the other concepts I agree with are the four basic dimensions: achievement, community, spirituality, and legacy. I also liked the idea Robert Emmons expressed, when one is lost the others get stronger. Love that! To rebuild is another concept I like. To rebuild your life is to start fresh to gain independence to experience what it means to refresh your life. I liked the connection to the great cities of Chicago and London and the great fires they had to suffer through which Made them a better place.

Nine ways to fail better:
I appreciated the nine points to pay attention to when dealing with failure.
My favorite of the nine was ways to cultivate optimism. Emotion awareness, impulse control, multiple respective thinking , empathy all help me calm in the heat of fire where the thought of failure might rear its ugly head. I value the idea that you can change the way you view a situation to help you achieve a better outcome in the face of failure.

I do harness the Bridget Jones Effect!
I started blogging to help me with problematics situations and hard times in my life. When I started College Unbound I had to start a blog for school. It was like just adding another leg to the table. Extra support and easily adapted. I am here, I am strong, I am resilient. I can do anything.

Thinks to remember;
Don't blame yourself
Don't say ALWAYS
Don't say CAN'T
And don't say NEVER

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